Put the basic description of the page and/or program here. What is this page about? What are the big picture elements? This section should be 5-8 sentences maximum. If you have more info to share here than that, you should break it up into small paragraphs or use bullet points to help ensure it's easy to digest. Remember:
- Don't change the fonts, whether size, color, or font family! Doing so creates inconsistency throughout the website. Changes should be made on a theme level, not on individual blocks.
- Use italics, bold, and underline to emphasize if needed, but sparingly.
Use Color Blocks to Break it Up
Use this if the page is very long or if there is a section that needs emphasis. Keep it simple and short. Some more reminders:
- Use the same background color for every page, or see Rachel Ingrid for help. We need to be consistent across the website for cohesion.
- There should only be 1-2 of these blocks per page.
- This background color is #c9f8a9.
Additional Info
Add any additional information that hasn't yet been shared in the above sections. Keep it simple! We don't need to share absolutely everything all at once. If people have questions, they will reach out. Let's not overwhelm them.
Always center photos and ensure that, if there are multiple in a row or column, that they are the same height. The "Gallery" block is hugely helpful as it automatically adjusts the photos equally. |